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About the Artist

Abby O’Neill is a 19-year-old CU Boulder student, focusing on art practices with the hopes of one day being an art teacher. Despite originally being born in Sligo, Ireland in 2003, she moved between various states and countries throughout her childhood. Through her adolescence she was artistically inclined and was happiest when creating anything. She picked up a passion for ice hockey, this became the biggest priority through schooling, leaving no time for extra activities. Despite not practicing art most of her high school experience, she quickly picked the passion back up once starting college. Growing up Abby lived along side her younger brother, Gavin, who was 7 years younger than her. Gavin has been a source of inspiration within Abby’s artistic journey; Not only with inspiration of what to make but also help with persevering the energy to continue making art, and use it as an outlet. Growing up Abby faced issues with depression and anxiety, and often used art to process these emotions. Today much of her work focuses on women’s issues and experience within the world. However, her work spans many topics, and surely will extend to more in the future.  Abby has always felt that she views the world a little differently from everyone else. Whether she considered that a good thing or bad has fluctuated throughout her life. However, with her journey of self-acceptance, she is hoping to share art to show her perspective. She hopes that her outlook and artistic expression of the world can help people open their minds, gain understanding, and inspire them to express themselves.

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