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  • abon6898

Clue Game! Artist statement

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This game was obviously inspired by the old boardgame clue. I wanted to take the characters and setting, but change up what happens to the players. In the usual clue there is a murder and everyone is on the same task to find who did it. Instead I wanted to make the game more individual with each character having different experiences. In this way sometimes you would end up with a murder but there are many different outcomes to avoid it. I also wanted to intertwine the story lines of each of the characters, so that if you play multiple rounds you will see that the storylines overlap. For example, Mrs. Peacock gets the choice to make cookies, and both Mr. Green and Mr. Plum can get themselves to the option of receiving one of her cookies. I wanted to create many more options for locations to choose and characters to pick, however WIX was not supportive of my 100+ page plan. Instead I narrowed down the pathways but tried to still engage the different elements I was hoping to bring to the game. A fun addition I wasn't planning on but later found quite funny when asking my friends to try it out was the infinite loops. Such as, if you enter the hall and decide to evade the front door, enter the kitchen and decide you do not want food and you go back to the hall. My friends found these loops annoying, but that was the point!

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